Hope is nourishment for your purpose. Without hope your purpose lacks the nutrients to survive. This works similarly to natural foods. The calories in food gives us the energy to sustain life and all the biomechanical processes for our bodies to function.
After about 40 days without food our bodies begin to physically breakdown. Our cells begin to become catabolic. Consuming whatever nutrients that it can find from within. Without anything in the body it will eventually die. The longer a person goes without hope their purpose goes without. The death of purpose doesn't create, doesn't fulfill, doesn't exist, and doesn't have hope.What does hope and purpose produce?Hope breaks down like ATP in the energy system. I call this the purpose driven system. The more Hope you put into Purpose the greater the production of your _______________ <-- insert what you hope to accomplish this year.
The more HOPE I put into PURPOSE the greater the production of MY GOALS.
The more HOPE I put into PURPOSE the greater the production of my LOVE FOR OTHERS.
The more HOPE I put into PURPOSE the greater the production of my BUSINESS SUCCESS
Affirm the HOPE and the PURPOSE for your life. Be intentional about HOPE and remember. Hebrews 6:19 NLT This hope is a strong and trustworthy anchor for our souls. It leads us through the curtain into God’s inner sanctuary.